Learn what medical questions to ask, get on the same page, and never "go blank" in front of doctors again.

This step-by-step guide will help you and your loved one:

  • Ask important health care questions
  • Gain tools for communicating with medical providers
  • Work together as a team to get on the same page
  • Gather essential medical information

Here's what you'll get in this guide:

  • Checklist of items to bring to medical appointments
  • Worksheets to help you clarify important medical questions
  • Family point of contact information
  • Worksheets about important family history, culture, & values that may influence care
  • Medication List Worksheet
  • Provider Contacts Worksheet
  • Guidance on how to ask important medical questions including pages of example questions to ask
  • Glossary of medical & mental health specialties

Gain peace of mind knowing that you're doing everything you can to help your older loved get the very best health care.

This is a downloadable pdf guide. Backed by a 7-day money back guarantee.